Universal Double and Single Flank Tester for Gears with "almost" Parallel Axes

GEI Systems, Inc

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This tester has been developed to utilize both methods of testing : the traditional Double Flank Test as well as the Single Flank Test using the same frame and spindles. With this approach results from two different methods can be stored and compared for future reference. To achieve that goal, GEI Systems uses two almost identical spindles for both members mounted on a set of precision backlash and friction free slides. Both slides are mounted on the frame to provide spindle motion in a 90 degree angular configuration. Both slides are equipped with absolute linear encoders and can be configured for manual as well as fully automated operation.
Each spindle has an integrated angular optical encoder to provide Transmission Error measuring capability of better than 1 mrad resolution.

Both spindles can be controlled in RPM or Torque mode to provide precise test and mounting conditions for each shaft.
Software package consists of four major parts:
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